Power BI Office Hours — Overview of the Latest PBI Updates in 2023 – Part 2

June 27, 2023 | by David Kettinger

The Power BI team constantly rolls out new features and enhancements to the Power BI platform including updates to the Power BI Desktop, the Power BI Service, and the Power BI Mobile App. In this education session, we will comb through all the latest updates to Power BI (and related Microsoft Data Analytics technologies) and present the ones that we think are most relevant based on the underlying architectures, processes, and strategies common to most enterprise analytics deployments.


Mastering Power BI Fundamentals: How to Build Interactive Financial Reports for JD Edwards

June 19, 2023 | by David Kettinger

Join us for a free Education Session on How to Build Interactive Sales Reports for JD Edwards.

In this workshop you will learn how to:

• Connect to JDE ERP data for sales reporting and analytics
• Create interactive data visualizations in the Power BI
• Effectively compare actuals to comparative measures like forecast and prior year to actively monitor performance
• Quickly distribute customer and sales insights across your organization
• And key terminology and Power BI concepts, navigation, and report development basics and best practices