Have you been
frustrated by:

  • Cryptic ERP Data
  • Repetitive, manual, and error-prone data workflows
  • No trusted framework to blend data sources
  • Ungovernable data silos
  • Limited data professionals and skills available
  • Constantly changing analytics technologies

Enterprise Analytics
for Everyone

Say goodbye to legacy ERP reporting and messy spreadsheets, and hello to powerful analytics. Designed by ERP data experts, QuickLaunch helps companies of all sizes and industries to streamline their data into a single, centralized platform enabling everyone to make smarter decisions.

Built for Your ERP and Enterprise Data Sources

We seamlessly integrate your ERP with other corporate data into a modern cloud-based data architecture designed to scale with your data footprint.

Unified Data You Can Trust

Break down data silos with QuickLaunch’s proprietary data models to gain insights into cross-business area performance using consistent business calculations and validated data.

Harness Power BI to Empower Your Business Users

Access key interactive Power BI reports and dashboards on any device, and receive automated insights delivered directly to your inbox.

Partner with You for Success

As an extension of your data team, we will be there before and after implementation to ensure you reach your data maturity goals.

Preferred Strategies has always been very helpful with any questions we have and they've been very prompt with getting things resolved. They are easy to work with and we're glad to have them as a partner.
Casey Boe, Director of IT, AMPI
Preferred Strategies has been very responsive to our needs and have added strong technical resources to our business.
John Deluca, Director of Information Systems, Hydranautics
I love the product and what it has provided to my organization in terms of visibility and efficiency. But most importantly, the customer service is unmatched!
Adriana Drake, VP - Controller, Lewis Group of Companies
Great application and terrific vendor to work with. They always provide amazing support...the staff at Preferred Strategies are second to none!
Al Venturino, CIO, Radienz Living
Everything we have done with any member of the Preferred Strategies team has been done on time and on budget. Everyone has been exceptionally helpful.
Phil Hagemann, CIO, New Frontier Materials
The Preferred Strategies team has been exceptional at communicating needs and expectations. In every interaction, we've left the conversation understanding what to expect and what was expected of us. That is the key to success of any initiative. The fact that we are in different countries and time zones has had no impact on delivery.
Carmine Hendren, Reliability Engineer, Neptune Terminals
Preferred Strategies is a trusted partner providing quality products and services.
David Barnett, Director of IT, Teichert, Inc
"Always friendly and knowledgeable service provided! And a great tool to help provide quick JDE data analysis."
Shantel Frank, Business Analyst, Tolko Industries
I have consistently received first-class service from various Preferred Strategies partners and consultants. My experiences have been positive, no matter the complexity and difficulty of the challenges we're facing. PS provides professional, dedicated, and dependable IT services that I can count on. Looking forward to a long-lasting relationship.
Ozan Basegmez, Senior Manager, Corporate Business Systems, ClifBar
Excellent service, expertise, and response time!
Jason Panza, Data Analyst, Railworks

Microsoft Partner

Microsoft Data Analytics Partner for 7 years

Avg Cost Savings vs Building
Time to Value vs Build
Avg Report Dev Time Reduction

We know how difficult enterprise analytics can be…

which is why we are here to be your trusted partner throughout your data maturity journey.

Simplify Your Data,
Ignite Your Success

QuickLaunch delivers a customized enterprise data platform for Power BI in weeks instead of years. Here’s how it works:

Extract & Store

Unify vital ERP and other enterprise data with QuickLaunch’s automated data pipelines and market-leading cloud architectures and tools.

Transform & Organize

Translate cryptic data, combine diverse data sources, and centralize business logic with QuickLaunch’s customizable, proprietary data models.

Visualize & Analyze

Harness business-ready dashboards and templates to quickly drive insights and meet your specific business requirements.

Customize, Adopt & Grow

Leverage our analytics maturity network and expertise to enable your business users and extend your internal data resources.

At Preferred Strategies, we know that you want to turn data into profit.

The problem is extracting data from your ERP and combining it with other enterprise data sources is complex, which can make even the best companies feel frustrated and overwhelmed. But we believe every person can make smarter decisions with more accurate information if given the right systems and tools, which is why we have helped over 250 enterprises simplify their data and gain the insights that matter with these three tested ingredients:

  1. An out-of-the-box, customizable framework for accelerating your company’s data analytics journey.
  2. A proven methodology for unifying your enterprise data sources.
  3. And a data team that has your back no matter what data curve balls digital transformation throws your way.

Book a Demo

Accelerate Your Data-Driven Journey

We’ve done all the hard work for you and now its time to reap the benefits. Schedule a solution demo to experience the innovative functionality firsthand….no strings attached.

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